Life's going along, zipping along most likely, and then something causes us to pause. And we feel empty... unsure... or perhaps without purpose.

Somewhere along the way we lost part of ourselves. What's important is no longer on the tip of our tongue. It's a sign that it is time to take a journey with Self... time for rediscovery... renewal... rejuvenation.

It is known that some people spend a lifetime searching the world over for the secret to happiness. Those who are fortunate enough to happen upon it, realize they didn't have to travel far. The secret is, and always will be, within us. And yet, most of us, without thinking about it, allow external factors to direct us.

If you could have anything and everything your heart desires in life, what would you want?

Not all of us know what we want, we just know we want something different... something more. Helping women discover and recapture their dreams, and then go onto realize those dreams is the essence of Go Figure's coachingand retreats.

Most people use only a small fraction of their potential... 5 percent or less. Imagine what your life would be if you started realizing more of your potential... financially, socially, spiritually, physically and intellectually?

With a holistic approach, Go Figure looks at all areas of life, allowing for balance. It all needs to blend to create a sense of well-being. Results include greater confidence, increased income, more energy, time for the wants as opposed to the shoulds, bigger smiles... more laughter. There is nothing of greater worth than living the life we desire, without fear, and without limits. It is this turning inward that allows us to connect with our true Self, and to find our dreams, and then the spirit and strength to live them. I hope you will take time to massage your heart and soul, connect with your Self, and really live.